Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Mother's Day this weekend to everyone....

For Mother's Day I'd... pick you a flower from my island rose garden...
I'd...bake you one of my mini-cakes and top it with fresh strawberries...

I'd... paint you a watercolor picture from my tiny tea-cart "art studio"...

I' you a tune from my grandfather's violin...

Heck, I'd even... catch you a trout from a mountain stream but... this year, I'll send you all these gifts-of-sentiment and appreciation virtually from my blog here...

Here's wishing my blog readers who are fantastic mothers and grandmothers, fun aunts and faithful big sisters a truly wonderful Mother's Day Weekend ahead!

For someone who is not a mother herself, at times it feels quite odd to be the literal "Matriarch" of my family. I'm the eldest female in our family with my mother and grandmothers and great aunt passed away, no aunts by-blood, no female cousins, no sisters and the nearest female in-line to me being my 9 year old niece. At 38 I unexpectedly and all-too-quickly become the female-head of our household and still now a few years later, this remains a designation and responsibility that can feel overwhelming at times. I have the utmost respect for mothers and mothering after taking this mantle upon my shoulders as our family matriarch and as the full time caregiver of both of my parents. Far less seriously, and far more "me" however is my dual-role of being a "fun aunt", oh yeah! In this I absolutely revel! I love my two nieces and three nephews... and never get tired of being around them.

There are a bevvy of women, especially here locally but also within my family and friends, who I look up to and who provide a big sister or casual-mothering type of relationship to me. Thank you to those of you out there who encourage, advise wisely, listen kindly and laugh loudly with me- I appreciate you more than you probably realize or will ever know.

So here's wishing that all mothering-women have a Happy Mother's Day this coming weekend! :)


  1. We are all mothers in our own way, whether or not we have children. I don't know a woman alive who doesn't take care of and nurture someone (loved ones and/or beloved pets).

  2. There should be a happy AUNTS day! ;) Great writing, Lachlan. Fun to read!

  3. Thanks Elizabeth and isn't that the truth :)

    I started young with the responsibility of tending to my much younger brother when I was in junior high...ya' know, making him school lunches, walking him to school, making sure he was back from school and doing his homework or playing with friends n' such...occassionally getting dinner together for everyone and relying waaaay too much on stuff like that Chicken Chow Mein that comes out of a can and Campbell's soups n' cheese toast, lol...

    ...and now coming full-circle with taking care of my Dad. Yes, I have "had kids" though not any I've birthed so to speak ;)

    Yea for all of us mothering-women, I agree!

    Best, Lachlan

  4. Hi Bambi and thanks so much...both for the Aunts Day (yea! for sure) and that you're enjoying my blog writin'. So great to have you here as a follower!

    Best, Lachlan

  5. You need to read Shopaholic's blog. She is also a fabulous aunt! xox

  6. Thanks bevy and I'll definitely check that blog out...neat! :)

  7. Being an aunt is awesome.....I love my nephews and nieces....just like my other children! Have a great day!!

  8. Thanks and you too! After church service and lunch out with friends, James and I headed to the beach and spent hours there...ahh, the weather was absolutely perfect today. Hope you had a great day as well!

    Best, Lachlan

  9. Hi Lachlan! Just came across your blog. Great post! I'm not a momma yet, but I am an awesome aunt too! xox :) I'm a new follower!

  10. Hi Trish! I'm so happy that you ran across this blog and are enjoying it :) Thanks for commenting and becoming a follower too- really appreciate that!

    It's so great being an aunt isn't it? We put lotsa' "fun" and "unconditional love" into the life experiences of our nieces n' nephews that's for sure...

    Best to you from this island, Lachlan
