Great orange striping on his swimsuit and her beach bag...
Even watersport toys are wonderfully Hawaiian-themed orange...
Aloha from Hawaii!
This ole' Preppy is currently on the island of O'ahu visiting her husband who has a temporary flying gig out here in paradise. I'm absolutely loving it but finding precious few fellow Preppies around however... there's a whole lotta' mango orange going on!
Judging from on the street fashion-sightings, window displays, a bevvy of product offerings and flowers galore' glimpsed around Waikiki this afternoon as I strolled along, the tropical hue of Mango seems to be "the" color of choice and is perfectly apt for this month of October.
Instead of pumpkins and candy corn, out here in Hawaii it's the oranged tones of hibiscus, fresh slices of mango, patterned sarongs, coral jewelry, beach umbrellas and those little umbrellas topping Mai Tai drinks which dot the landscape.
The few Halloween decorations I've espied in Honolulu have frankly seemed quite out of place. There was one skeleton moving figure thing on the sidewalk in front of a store which had a lei and coconut shell bikini-top on that looked so disturbing I actually opted to not take a picture of it. Too creepy for even me, a Halloween-baby no less. We'll take a pass on that kind of bizarre' Halloween/Hawaii hybrid costuming, haha.
And so... I hope you enjoyed some photos exhibiting the Preppier versions of Mango Orange!
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